Equitable Software

Production Scanner Mode

Production Scanner Mode

There is a video above that will illustrate this process as well. 

After launching the application on your device, scan your user barcode to get started. Select the production menu item from the main screen. This function is going to allow you to add ingredients and components to your Batch Production Records (BPR’s). To begin the process scan the barcode on your batch production record.

After doing so you will notice that at the top of the screen in the blue bar area, the BPR ID number will be displayed. Other components or ingredients that have also already been added to this BPR will be listed in the body.

For the video example you can see that pomegranate fruit has already been added to this Batch Production Record let’s continue this process and add another ingredient. Start this process by scanning the barcode on the ingredient’s container. After doing so you will notice with this ingredient it’s alerting us that there are other batches, or containers in this batch rather, that have an expiration date that may expire before the container that has been selected to be added to this production record; we should consider going back and scanning another container from this batch. instead for this example we are going to continue with this container

but it is good to understand this

feature the system will automatically

add the amount needed for the production

record if available in the container

that was scanned otherwise the max

amount available in the container will

be added sixty thousand grams is

available in this container so all I

need to do is confirm

now you can see that that ingredient has

been added Let’s scan in a component

this component container only contains

98. so the maximum amount is going to be

added however the batch production

record calls for 2500 bottles to be

produced which will need 2500 lids

so I’m going to need to scan another

container to get the difference of that
