Release Date 10/26/2022
- Add – Added multiple new fields to a PO item. The user can now add the Unit Weight, UOM (Unit of Measurement), Pieces, Pack Unit for each PO item. The new fields can be added to the clients PO exported. For more information about editing a PO click here.
- Add – Administration -> Configuration -> PO Pack Units. Added new menu item that allows the user to add a new unit to the UOM field on po items.
- Add – When quarantining a component, the Pos Unit amount and Pack unit have been added as additional information. For more information of quarantine click here.
- Add – Production -> Compare BPR. Added new menu item to allow users to compare a BPR. Menu item allows users to compare two BPRs side by side to quickly see changes. For more information click here.
- Add – Production -> Document Tracker. Menu item allows a user to see scanned BPR documents and their current location. The user can also view a log of the locations the document has been scanned to. For more information click here.
- Add – Inventory Batches -> View Batches -> Lock/Unlock Batch. This function lets the user lock or unlock a batch. A locked batch cannot be added to a BPR. A batch that is currently added to open BPR cannot be locked. For more information click here.
- Add – Added ability to close a BPR if the amounts, rounded to the fourth decimal, equals zero. A notice will be shown alerting user that the BPR is allowing itself to be closed due to rounding. This should fix the issues with a miniscule amount remaining for a BPR item preventing the completion of the BPR.
- Add – Added email alert called “BPR Completed”. Email alert notifies subscribers when a BPR is completed.
- Add – Added email alert called “Order Completed”. Email alert notifies subscribers when an order is completed.
- Add- Added ability to scan a BPR barcode while in Warehouse Mode and scan the BPR documentation to a new location.
- Add – A user, with the proper permission, now has the ability to view inventory for a Virtual Office location via the scanner. A new menu item called “Location Inventory” allows a user to scan a VO location and see a list of inventories in scanned location.
- Add – A user, with the proper permission, now has the ability to view inventory for a Fulfillment location via the scanner. A new menu item called “Fulfillment Location Inventory” allows a user to scan a VO location and see a list of inventories in scanned location.
- Add – When scanning items into a fulfillment cart the user is notified if the item scanned already exists in their cart.
- Add – When a user scans a fulfillment cart into a location, they will be asked to confirm the location that they scanned before moving the inventory.
Fulfillment Plugin
- Add – Added new email alert called “Manual Inventory Change” that allows the user to be notified if inventory is changed manually. For information about users click here.
- Add – Added new email alert called “Cycle Count Item Inventory Change” that allows the user to be notified if inventory is changed via a cycle count. For information about users click here.
Release Date: 10/06/2022
- Update – Created new quote system layout. Added ability to add multiples of the same components to a quote and then those items transferred to an order. Added ability to add a percentage of a component that will be used in a BPR.
- Update – The Assay percent for an ingredient on a quote can now be over 100%.
- Add – Added ability exclude certain components from being scanned and changing a BPR’s sub status to packing.
- Update – Updated allergens to use an image instead of a color/shape combination. This will allow the users to upload an image instead of having to choose from a limited shape/color combination.
- Add – Added ability to add the number of retention samples and customer retention samples that need to be kept for compliance to quotes. Retention samples transfer to display on BPR’s and BPR documentation.
Fulfillment Plugin:
- Add – Added ability to receive retention samples. Go to Inventory -> Receiving. A new option called “Receive Retention Sample” has been added. The retention sample is not included in normal inventory counts. Retention samples cannot be cycle counted and do not get adjusted with cycle counts. Retention Samples inventory can be viewed via the Admin -> View Inventory or Report -> Retention Samples.
- Add – Added Report -> Retention Samples report to view retention samples received.

Release Date: 07/13/2022
- Add – Inventory Batches -> Reprint Inventory. Added new page that allows you to re-print the batch stickers for individual containers. The page allows you to add multiple batches and containers. You can print one container or all selected containers.
- Add – Reports -> Missing Components Report. Added the ID, PO amount and PO date columns to the results. Updated all amounts to be in Kilogram form when applicable.
- Add – Administration-> Scanner settings -> Manage Scanner Carts. Added ability to deactivate a cart. Deactivating a cart will remove all items from the cart and the cart will no longer be able to be used on the scanner.
- Add – Added the ability to have a Pallet Label. The system will automatically calculate the number of labels needed based on the number of pallets calculated.
- Add – Added ability to view the storage location list when viewing locations from Administration -> Configuration -> Storage Locations.
- Add – Added new permission “View Ingredient”. This permission will allow you to view an ingredient but not save any changes.
- Add – Added standard invalid access message to be displayed to the user when they do not have permission to view a page.
- Update – Inventory -> Low Inventory. This grid has been updated to the new jQuery Datatables grid.
- Update – Inventory -> Quarantine Release List. This grid has been updated to the new jQuery Datatables grid.
- Update – Updated text to be more consistent when editing a component. Changed available to status as well as other small text changes.
- Update – Production -> View Production Records. Updated searching by formula name to load faster.
- Update – Centralized calculation needed for production records components. This will allow changes made to calculations to be made in one place instead of across the system.
- Update – Renamed “Change Ingredients” permission to “Edit Ingredients”. Any user with this permission can also view the ingredient.
- Update – When viewing a quote the field previously labeled Status has been changed to “Quote Stage”.
- Update – When editing a quote the field previously labeled Status has been changed to “Quote Stage”.
- Update – When viewing a quote the field “Current Version” is now listed under the Product Id.
- Fix – Fixed issue when printing master case labels from a BPR when a lot number is not marked to be printed.
- Fix – Inventory -> Ingredients. Updated the on-hand column to go to the third decimal.
- Fix – Reports -> Missing Components Report. Updated report to not show MMR ID on added BPR’s.
Fulfilment Plugin:
- Fix – Updated quarantine list to improve date accuracy when the item was added to the quarantine list. Some users reported dates would be off if viewing the report at 11:00PM CST.
- Add – Administration -> Lot Lock. Added page that allows an administrator to lock a lot and it cannot be used on orders or in a cycle count.
- Fix – fixed issue with container amount not being returned properly on old batches when scanning them.

Release: 06/08/2022
- Update – Inventory -> Ingredients. Grid has been updated to the new jQuery Datatables system.
- Update – Inventory -> Quarantine Inventory -> Ingredients. Grid has been updated to the new jQuery Datatables system.
- Update – Customer -> View Quotes. Updated the search by “Quote Name” to retrieve result faster. Added ability to search by each column as well as using the main search.
- Add – A new component type can be added that allows a variable amount to be added. The new component type is not required to be scanned to a BPR and the amount added to a BPR is not set. This allows a user to have a component like “Poly Liners”. The user can add as many “Polly Liners“ as needed but does not require a specific amount.
- Fix – Updated Purchasing -> Component PO’s to default the sorting by created date instead of the amount of the PO.
- Fix – When viewing quotes by an ingredient the system was only looking at the first quote version. The system now shows all quotes that contain the ingredient in the most recent version.
- Fix – fixed issue with browser plugins that affect the look of Virtual Office to not cause the site to crash.
- Update – The storage locations list (Inventory Batches -> Storage Location List) now allows you to view all locations and all batch statuses. Previously only locations with active batches were shown. This allows a user to view a closed batches last location.
- Fix – Inventory -> Ingredients. The Assy Percentage was only allowing whole numbers. Assay now allows for decimal numbers.
- Fix – fixed issue with Inventory -> Ingredients -> vendor pricing only allowing you to enter on vendor pricing at a time.
- Add – When a user is quarantining a ingredient/component the PO price will now display on the quarantine screen. Once the user inputs the amount to quarantine a additional box will be shown that shows the calculated PO price. The user is not locked into the price but is able to reference the amount.
- Update – Scanner users and Virtual Office users have now been combined into one user group. Administrators can manage scanner permission and scanner users by editing a user (Administration -> Users – > Manage Users -> Edit). This allows one central place to manage all users in the system. Three types of users have been added to the system. Virtual Office Users, Scanner Users and Virtual Office and Scanner User. “Scanner“ users will not count towards the user limit set in Virtual Office per client. This allows an administrator to have a scanner account and allow them access to Virtual Office.
- Update – Added ability to view the quote an order was created from. When viewing an order the “Quote ID” value is clickable and will open the current quote version.
- Update – Updated the components on the production sheet to include the ID of the component in the name.
Fulfilment Plugin:
- Add – When editing an order, the title now tells you what order number you are editing.
Scanner: (release date: 06/15/2022)
- Fix – Fixed issue with the warehouse cart not refreshing with a new list if the user used the camera to scan a batch container.
- Add – Added ability to set a password for the settings.
- Add – Added an auto log out that logs a user out of the scanner if they have no activity in the app after a certain number of minutes. The default is 25 minutes. This setting can be changed.
- Add – added ability to set a password when logging into the scanner. In Virtual Office when editing a user, you can now set a scanner password. When a scanner user scans their user barcode it will ask them for the password and will not let them log in until they enter the correct password.
- Update – Exceptions made to containers manually can no longer be made to conditional release batches. Only active or closed batches can have exceptions made to them.
- Update – Updated scanner to be compatible with SDK 32 ( Android 11)

Release: 05/12/2022
- Add – When finalizing a BPR you can now enter in the final pallet count that is going to contain the finished product.
- Add – Reports -> User Report. Added user report that allows administrator to view a log of what a user has been doing in Virtual Office. Administrator can view changes made to batches, batches /containers added to BPR’s, Changes made to inventory by the scanner manually, and changes made to inventory by a cycle count.
- Fix – Inventory Batches -> View Batches. Fixed issue with not being able to sort by source.
- Fix – Fixed issue when viewing a cycle counts details. The amount shown before the cycle count item was scanned would display incorrectly if the changes were made on the same day.
- Fix – Reports -> Missing Components Report. Fixed issue causing the missing components to total incorrectly causing the report to have incorrect information.
- Fix – Fixed issue with releasing a batch would error if the batch was the first batch created for the component/ingredient and the cost of the component/ingredient was zero.
- Fix – When adding a file to a PO to be emailed the PO would not send the file if the filename was over 60 characters. The system no longer limits the character count.
- Fix – Fixed yield report to paginate correctly.
- Fix – Fixed issue with activating and deactivating a user in Virtual Office would not update fulfillment user if the two users are linked.
- Fix – Customer Inventory Report. Deleted batches no longer appear on the customer inventory report.
- Remove – Removed logs menu and pages due to it no longer being used.
- Update – Reports -> Past Activity Report. Added the customer column and the orders PO Date.
- Update – Batch Trace. When viewing a batch trace the unit of measurement has been added to the loss and gain columns. This allows the user to identify the unit that the loss/gain is in.
- Update – Updated Customers -> View Quotes to use the new jQuery Datatables grid.
- Update – Administration -> Scanner Users. The list of available users is now alphabetical.
- Update – Viewing a BPR’s Production record. There is now a button to view POs for ingredients. Previously you could only view them for components on the production record.
- Update – Ingredients -> Edit / Add. Reworked the UI to add notes without having to select the tab notes.
- Update – Ingredients -> Edit / Add -> Vendor Qualification. Added ability to search for an ingredient when adding vendor qualification links.
- Update – Ingredients -> Edit / Add -> Vendor Pricing. Added ability to search vendors when selecting a vendor.
- Update – Production -> View Production Records and Production -> View components report has now been combined into one screen. The Components for orders menu have been removed and users will now go to Production -> View production records.
- Update – Updated the text “Pallet Count” in quotes, orders, printed documentation and BPR’s to say, “Master Cases Per Pallet”.
- Update – Added ability to overwrite the final production sheet to allow for customization per client.
- Update – When adding a ingredient to a PO the cost is no longer populated based on the current cost of the component/ingredient.
- Update – Added the total amount on a PO to the PO grid. This allows the user to see the total amount the PO is for.
- Update – Production -> Production Calendar. Updated the calendar so that the starting date is always the first of the month instead of the current day of the month. Since the user cannot select the day, only the month and year, the day is irrelevant.
- Update – When viewing/editing blends you can no longer select a different sieve without clicking edit first.
- Update – When printing components report I have added the number of containers the BPR is for.
- Update – When editing a PO, you can now search for a vendor when choosing a vendor from the dropdown.
- Update – When printing a BPR’s cover sheet it no longer prints inactive allergens.
- Update – Updated order testing to not group the testing by lot number.
- Update – Updated styling for new grid system to be more global to allow for style changes across Virtual Office.
Fulfilment Plugin:
- Add – A customer can now be marked as having custom shipping. When a user prints the packing list, they will be brought to a screen that allows them to enter in custom pallets and additional information. This allows the user to combine pallets and add additional details not on the basic packing slip.
- Fix – Fixed issue when creating an order that the shipping zip code would only accept numbers. This prevented international zip codes from being inputted.
- Update – Inventory -> Location List. Added ability to view pallets change log.
- Update – Added inventory changes to the user report. Reports -> User Activity Report.
- Update – Updated the order colors in Open Orders to be consistent with the same order colors when viewing orders from Inventory -> View Orders. Click here to view the colors.
- Fix – Fixed issue when a user scanned an invalid barcode to log in would cause an error. The scanner now responds with an invalid user.
- Fix – Fixed issue when adding a container to a cycle count if the containers barcode was incorrect it would cause the system to error.

Release: 04/13/2022
- Update –The expired batches grid has been updated to use the jQuery Datatables. Added ability to re-print batch sticker and sample sheets.
- Fix – Customer Inventory Report. Deleted batches no longer appear on the customer inventory report.
- Update – Batch Trace. When viewing a batch trace the unit of measurement has been added to the loss and gain columns. This allows the user to identify the unit that the loss/gain is in.
Fulfilment Plugin:
- Add – Added cycle count screens to allow a user to review and print a variance report for a cycle count. The variance report shows all current inventory based on the type of cycle count being performed. If the cycle count is for products, then all active inventory is shown. If cycle count is by location or a manual cycle count, then all items in that location are shown. If the cycle count is a type of lot, then all inventory for the lots in the cycle count are shown.
- Add – Added ability to view orders currently using inventory related to a cycle count.
- Update – Inventory that is being cycle counted can no longer be used in an order. Any pallets being used in order that have not been shipped can not be cycle counted.
- Update – Added permissions for sub menus. You can now set access to any submenu on the scanner within Virtual Office.
- Update – Logging in and out on the scanners now records the time the user logged in and out. Also improved log out to log completely out of the scanners instead of the current menu they are in.
- Update – Updated all cycle count types to allow scanner users to submit the cycle count for review.
- Update – Improved the addition of pallets to a cycle count for all cycle count types.
- Update –When doing a cycle count by customer you no longer have to scan a location before you scan the pallet. You can now just scan a pallet of product and then move it to a different location when you are adding.
- Fix – fixed issue with LPN not showing for pallets on an order when viewing the items to pull.
- Update – updated the procedure for adding a container to a BPR. The procedure now only uses two calls to Virtual Office to get the proper information instead of seven.
- Update – When adding a container to a BPR that has already been added the scanner now shows red text alerting the user that they are adding the same container twice. The red text will be shown on the screen when adding the container.

Release: 03/16/2022
- Update – Administration -> Scanner Settings -> Manage Scanner Carts. Converted grid to new jQuery Datatables grid system. Updated managing a cart to grid system and allow a user to remove an item from a scanners cart.
- Add – When deleting a BPR users are now required to enter a comment. Comment is shown in the Order Summary screen.
- Update – Update dates in jQuery Datatables to be consistent and still preserve sorting capabilities.
- Update – Reports -> Activity Report. Updated +/- for POs to reduce PO amount by amount already received. Added ability to sort by Active/In-Active.
- Update – Add/Edit Packaging. Updated grid to new jQuery Datatables grid system.
- Fix- When viewing a batches location log the history would show the current location not the location at the time the entry was made.
- Add – When viewing a batch trace for a batch additional columns have been added. BPR batch ID and the BPR’s lot number.
- Fix – Fixed issue with printed PO now displaying long ingredient names properly.
- Fix – When view orders or Production Records and searching by ID the grid would not show any results.
- Add – Inventory -> Add/Edit Packaging, Inventory -> Ingredients. Added ability to print products ID number in barcode form. The ID is preceded by five zeros to allow the barcode to display properly for all ID’s. A button has been added to each grid that allows the user to print the barcode.
Fulfilment Plugin:
- Update – Updated the Packing slip to group items together and to list a total.
- Add – Added ability to re-print a LPN in 4×6 format. Added company, product name and lot number.
- Update – Updated the packing slip to not allowed to be printed if all the items in the order have not been scanned.
- Add – If you are a system admin you can now go to System Admin -> Site Settings. Currently you can recalculate all inventory in the system if issues arise and inventory need to be reset.
- Update – When a user scans an In-Process tracker the user must have scanned the proper BPR first. It the user does not scan the BPR first then the scanner will alert them that the In-Process tracker is invalid.
- Update – Users can now add expired batches to their cart. The system prompts the user with an alert that tells them the date that the batch expired and asks if they want to update it.
- Update – Users can now add expired batches to cycle counts. The system prompts the user with an alert that tells them the date that the batch expired and asks if they want to add the item to their cycle count.
- Update – Users can now modify expired batches when on “Modify Batch” screen in the scanner.
- Update – When scanning items from a cart to a location the scanner now includes the location they scanned when confirming the move.
- Update – Updated APP to be compatible with Android SDK 31 (Android 12: Snow Cone)

Release: 02/16/2022
- Add – User can now view quote changes between two different versions of a quote. When viewing a quote, the user will click on the “Compare Changes” button. User will choose two quote versions to compare. The page will highlight any detail or component changes between the two version.
- Add – Added component/ ingredient IDs to quote screen. Added ID’s to dropdown as well to help distinguish between similar ingredients.
- Add – Added vendor tier pricing for POs to ingredients and components. Users can set vendor pricing for raw materials. When creating a PO for the raw material a “More” link will allow the user to see the vendor pricing added for that material. Vendor Tier Pricing can be set on ingredient under the “Vendor Pricing” Tab. Vendor pricing can be set for a component by editing a component and filling out the vendor pricing section.
- Update – Inventory -> View Packaging was renamed to Inventory -> Add/Edit Packaging.
Fulfilment Plugin:

Release: 02/01/2022
- Update – When quarantining a component or ingredient the amount remaining in a PO now shows under the amount a user is quarantining. The system does not stop the user from quarantining more or less than the PO requires but does notify the user.
- Add – Added ability to print basic master case label. Master case label has lot number barcode on it to be used in scanners.
- Add- When viewing BPR’s from within an order and the BPR has rework there is now a notice that says the BPR has been reworked and the number of times it has been reworked.
- Update – Updated Customer Inventory report to show loss amount and loss percentage.
- Update – Updated when viewing the location log for a batch to be a new grid format and to allow location to be chosen.
- Update – Previously used barcode generating system has been replaced. We are now using a 64bit barcode generator for future compatibility and performance.
- Update – All PDF’s that have barcodes included in them have been updated to use the new barcode system.
- Add – Added ability to search and view tags for production records from Production -> View Production Records.
- Add – When exporting the components for orders report the vendor for PO’s listed has been added.
- Fix – fixed issue with custom columns not saving correctly when viewing orders from customer management.
- Update – Updated vendor qualification system to no longer calculate requalification on the fly. Requalification is now saved with the batch when the batch is created, deleted, or edited.
Fulfilment Plugin:
- Add – Reports -> Company Inventory. Added report that allows a user to view inventory on a given date. This will help with customers that are billed for inventory kept in the warehouse. Report can be filtered by Inventory Date and then the Company.
- Add – Reports -> Customer Returns. This report lists any items brought into fulfillment that were received back from the customer.
- Update – improved overall loading speed of the receiving log. Updated results to only load a small amount at a time.
- Fix – fixed when editing a location form would not validate and provide user with feedback if not all the required information was entered.
- Update – When viewing a cycle count items a column has been added that informs the user if a change was made to inventory. The user can also view each lot or item affected by the cycle count and see if inventory has changed.
- Fix – fixed receiving manually by the website not working correctly if the fulfillment plugin was hosted on its own website.
- Update – Updated orders to allow editing after order has been shipped by super admins.
- Update – Added date range to Reports -> Lot Number Report. The date range allows a user to see inventory before the start date and inventory as of the end date selected.
- Update – When receiving inventory into fulfillment you will no longer scan a BPR. The user will scan a lot number and the scanner will look up the appropriate BPR based on the lot number.