Equitable Software

Confirmed Billing

Confirmed Billing

The Confirmed Billing page will allow those with the Manage Billing permission a way to find and sort billing for Receiving and Orders. For more information on account permissions please click here. To begin this process select a date range and customer from the dropdown and click Get Report (1). Results will populate the grid below. The basic sorting and grid functionality is available on this page. For more information on the grid sorting, exporting and nesting please click here.

Confirmed Billing Tabs and Nesting

There are separate display grids for Receiving and Orders. These grids can accessed and viewed by clicking their respective tabs located at the top of the grids sorting options. (2). Further editing options can be seen by clicking the nesting Plus icon located at the far left of each row (3). Doing so will allow you to inspect products on the order and confirm billing by clicking the Edit button at the far right of each products row. The Edit button will bring up the Confirm Billing pop-up window where you can input the invoice number and add notes.

Confirm Billing