BPR Cost Break Down

BPR Cost Break Down

The BPR Cost Break Down report page will allow you to compare your quoted pricing to your actual cost. To being this process enter a BPR ID number into the Enter BPR ID input area in the top left of the window. You can also start typing your ID number into the input and select from the available items. Click the “Load Report” button after entering your ID number. The right side of the window will then auto-populate as well as the grid at the bottom of the window. See example image below – click to enlarge.

Virtual Office System Location/Navigation:
Reports > BPR Cost Break Down


BPR Cost Break Down Grid

The grid below display all of the components/ingredients used in the selected BPR along with their quoted and system (actual) cost. These entries can be sorted by clicking the column titles, using the search function or filtering by additional options. For more information on Grid Sorting click here.


Grid Action Buttons

Column Visibility – By selecting this option you can change the visible columns per the grid you are on. These selections are saved per user/browser per grid.

Excel – Selecting this action will export the currently displayed grid data to excel.


How is this calculated?

QTY Needed for Batch x Current Cost = Batch Cost/System Cost

TypeCurrent CostQTY NeededBatch CostSystem Cost
Cut Band0.510,0005,0005,000
Inner Case1848484
Master Case1353535


(((Bonded Amount x Cost Per Unit) x Servings Per Bottle) x Container Count) ÷ Pills Per Serving = Total Batch Cost

(((Bonded Amount x Current Cost) x Servings Per Bottle) x Container Count) ÷ Pills Per Serving = Total Current Cost


*Cost per unit is the cost in the BPR/Quoted

NameBonded AmountCost Per Unit (Quoted)Current CostServing Per BottleContainer CountPills Per ServingTotal Batch CostTotal Current Cost